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History of Government-funded Pregnancy and Parenting Support  Services©

1993 – 1995

  • Former Pennsylvania Governor Robert P. Casey (D) placed Pregnancy and Parenting Support Services Program© funding in state budget.
  • Program intended to promote childbirth rather than abortion by providing pregnancy and parenting support service to women in crisis pregnancies.
  • Program serves women using pregnancy support centers, social services agencies, adoption agencies and maternity homes throughout Pennsylvania.

1995 – 1997

  • The Pennsylvania legislature’s Pro-life  Caucus leaders, led by then State Representative Joe Pitts (R), helped secure continued funding for the program during Former Governor Tom Ridge’s Administration.
  • The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare selected Morning Star Pregnancy Services to administer the program. The Pennsylvania Program, originally known as Project Women In Need (WIN), is funded at $2 million a year with state revenue. Morning Star created the Project WIN Advisory Council to administer the program.
  • 72 centers received reimbursements under the Morning Star contract and served 7,891 women from November 1995 through June 1997.


  • On July 1, 1997, Real Alternatives (formerly the Morning Star Project WIN Advisory Council) was awarded the statewide pregnancy and parenting support services program grant with the Department of Public Welfare.
  • A statewide toll free hotline (1-888-LIFE AID) was implemented and the program experienced dramatic growth: 18 new pregnancy centers were added, and an average of 620 new women were served each month.

“Our business is to fight the poison of hopelessness with love.”

Remarks of Former Governor Robert P. Casey at the Second Annual Service Providers Conference and Banquet, April 4, 1997


  • Real Alternatives CEO testified before a U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee interested in learning about the success of Pennsylvania’s Program.
  • State program funding was increased to $3.1 million per year for fiscal years 1997-1999. During that two year contract period ending in June 1999, 15,672 women were served.

“…..a choice such as Real Alternatives offers is the really the only choice that leaves a woman with dignity.”

Remarks of PA Representative Katie True at Real Alternatives Third Annual Service Providers Conference and Banquet, April 24, 1998


  • As the result of a new contract being signed, state program funding increased to $4.2 million per year.
  • U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R) and U.S. Congressman Joe Pitts (R) introduced the Women & Children’s Resources Act (S. 1605/H.R. 2901) in September 1999 in an effort to replicate Pennsylvania’s success on a national basis to support pregnant women.
  • Real Alternatives educated organizations from Missouri and Kansas interested in providing government-funded alternatives to abortion services for women in their state.

“Real Alternatives steers women into the reassuring hand of service providers and away from fear and uncertainty.”

Then-Lt. Governor Mark Schweiker at Real Alternatives 4th Annual Service Providers Conference and Banquet, April 2, 1999


  • Real Alternatives educated organizations from Michigan interested in providing government-funded alternative to abortion services for women in their state.
  • Missouri started its own government-funded alternative to abortion services program.
  • In Pennsylvania, a record of 11,397 women were served during fiscal year 1999-2000.

“Your trophy does not sit on a shelf…the trophy for your hard work plays on a swing, moves a tassel during a graduation ceremony, and yes even one day experiences the joy of motherhood.” 

Remarks of National Pollster Kellyanne Fitzpatrick at Real Alternatives Fifth Annual Service Providers Conference and Banquet, April 13, 2000


  • Real Alternatives educated organizations from Florida, Wisconsin, and North Dakota interested in providing government-funded alternative to abortion services for women in their state.
  • U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R) queried the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) about the use of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funds for alternative to abortion services programs. HHS approved use of funds.
  • Former Governor Mark Schweiker (R) increased the funding of the Pennsylvania program with $1 million of TANF money making him the first governor in the nation to use federal funds in the program.
  • In fiscal year 2000-2001,13,426 women were served through the Pennsylvania program.

“They said if I’d only had one person to stand by me, and it could have been a stranger, but they’d say I needed somebody to be a sister to me, I needed someone to be a friend.
… I would have had that baby. And, that’s what you do in maternity homes and crisis pregnancy centers and in offering adoption services. You are that friend….”

Remarks of Author Frederica Matthewes-Green at Real Alternatives Sixth Annual Service Providers Conference and Banquet, April 5, 2001


  • Real Alternatives was a finalist for the Nonprofit Innovation Awards sponsored by the Central Penn Business Journal based on the cost-savings of its then newly-automated billing system for the Pennsylvania program.
  • Real Alternatives educated organizations from Louisiana, Nebraska, and Ohio interested in providing government-funded alternative to abortion services for women in their state. Louisiana ultimately followed Pennsylvania’s lead by using TANF funds for alternative to abortion services.
  • The Pennsylvania program funding level was increased to $5.3 million, including $1 million of TANF funds.
  • During fiscal year 2001-2002, 15,202 women in Pennsylvania were served.

“So all I can say in admiration, appreciation and love for you, is to thank you for the work you do. You are like those people who have gone and given their lives for others. God Bless You.”

Remarks of Dr. William K. Thierfelder, President of York Barbell, at Real Alternatives Seventh Annual Service Providers Conference and Banquet, April 11, 2002


  • The Pennsylvania program experienced a record low administrative cost ratio of 8.54%.
  • Real Alternatives educated organizations from Tennessee, Georgia, and Iowa interested in providing government-funded alternative to abortion services for women in their state.
  • During fiscal year 2002-2003, the number of women served by the Pennsylvania program increased to 16,574.

“…And I’m certain that the little things you do every day have a greater impact than you may realize. You have the opportunity to make an incredible difference in the life of everyone you meet. In a word, to be a hero. When learning about the difference that your work makes, I was reminded how one life, one life saved can make an incredible difference.”

Remarks of Deena Burnett, Flight 93 Widow of Todd Burnett at Real Alternatives Eighth Annual Service Providers Conference and Banquet, April 3, 2003


  • Real Alternatives was one of the first four nonprofits in Pennsylvania to earn the “Seal of Excellence” from the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO) for successfully completing the Standards for Excellence certification program.
  • Real Alternatives was selected for the second time as a finalist for the Nonprofit Innovation Awards by the Central Pennsylvania Business Journal for its statewide outcome measurement collection process for the Pennsylvania program.
  • Real Alternatives educated organizations from Texas and South Dakota interested in providing government-funded alternative to abortion services for women in their state.
  • During fiscal year 2003-2004, 17,253 clients were served in Pennsylvania.

“….. you help the forlorn, the lonely, the desperate pregnant woman who feels isolated and remote from the important living beings in her life, from the loved ones in her life who believe that the only alternative that she has is to abort the baby she is carrying. To escape what she believes is a desperate dark source of all her problems. Your real alternatives provide the compassion that these young women must have found lacking and that you knew existed within. You have provided them with sufficient information to realize there are other options beyond the only one they believe to be feasible, and the only option they believe will make their lives much less complicated.”

Remarks of PA State Senator Jane Clare Orie at Real Alternatives Ninth Annual Service Providers Conference and Banquet, April 15, 2004


  • Real Alternatives CEO met with White House Faith-Based Initiative Office and presented the Pennsylvania program.
  • With the approval of the Faith-Based Organization Policy by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare on June 17, 2005, Real Alternatives allowed to invite new faith-based service providers to the program.
  • The number of women served by the Pennsylvania program during fiscal year 2004-2005 was 17,233.
  • Total women served by the Pennsylvania program tops 100,000 women at over 440,400 visits.
  • A Spanish version of the Real Alternatives’ website was produced and implemented.
  • State legislatures in Nebraska, North Dakota, Florida, Texas, and Minnesota fund Alternative to Abortion Services programs in their states.

“…I cannot thank you enough for having the generosity and the courage and the truthfulness to say to this woman “yes.” Whoever this girl is, this woman, this young mother; yeah, this is going to be a tough time in your life. There are going to be some things we got to deal with here. This is going to perhaps mean some rocky days, but we are beside you every step of the way…”

Remarks of Oliva Gans, President of Virginia Society of Life, at Real Alternatives Tenth Annual Service Providers Conference and Banquet, March 31, 2005


  • New faith-based organizations started applying to become service providers under the Pennsylvania program.
  • The number of women served by the Pennsylvania program during fiscal year 2005-2006 was 16,600.
  • Pennsylvania Department of Health reports abortions declined 3% in 2005.
  • The Pennsylvania Program became a national program!  The Texas Health and Human Services Commission signed a $2.5 million a year agreement with Texas Pregnancy Care Network, a nonprofit, to provide statewide government-funded pregnancy and parenting support using Real Alternatives to replicate the highly recommended Pennsylvania Program in Texas.
  • “For those who want to lower abortion or make abortion rare – this is the model for America.”  Kevin I. Bagatta, Esq. with Vincent Friedewald III, Esq. after Real Alternatives successfully trained the staff of Texas Pregnancy Care Network on how to operate the government-funded alternative to abortion program in Texas.

Do what you can, where you are, with what you have, and God will bless you for it.…”

Remarks of PA State Representative Jerald M. Birmelin at Real Alternatives 11th Annual Service Providers Conference and Banquet, March 30, 2006


  • The number of women served by the Pennsylvania program during fiscal year 2006-2007 was a record 17,666.
  • The PA Department  of Public Welfare  offers a new 5 -year contract to Real Alternatives at $5.5 million a year to continue administering the statewide alternative to abortion service program.  This marks the longest contract period for the program.
  • The PA Department of Health provides an additional $1 million grant for Fiscal Year 2007-2008.

“A program that doesn’t just play lip service support for mothers, for families, for children, to the fact that abortion is a tragedy, but it does something about it.”

Remarks of Professor Helen M. Alvaré at Real Alternatives 12th Annual Service Providers Conference and Banquet, March 29, 2007


  • Due the highest level of program funding, $6.5 million, the Pennsylvania  Program served a record 19,747 women in fiscal year 2007-2008!
  • Using the Real Alternatives system, Texas Pregnancy Care Network reports that the Texas Program served over 11,500 women at over 60,000 service visits throughout Texas its first two fiscal years!
  • Real Alternatives became re-certified under the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO) for a SECOND time for continued compliance with the PANO Standards for Excellence program. The PANO Seal of Excellence has again been awarded to Real Alternatives thereby recognizing its exemplary management and commitment to upholding the highest standards of ethics and accountability in the nonprofit sector.
  • PANO Seal of Excellence Director Patricia Mogan and Nationally Syndicated Columnist Michele Malkin present Thomas A. Lang, Esquire and Kevin I. Bagatta, Esquire Real Alternatives’ second Seal of Excellence.

“Real Alternatives counselors and volunteers are “true agents of hope and change . . . This army of compassion has succeeded against enormous odds . . . and their success is being replicated across the country.”

Remarks of National Columnist Michele Malkin at Real Alternatives 13th Annual Service Providers Conference Banquet, April 11, 2008


“It’s a fantastic program because it is a ‘real alternative’…
You absolutely don’t have to have an abortion… that message is starting to be picked up and heard again and again.”

Remarks of PA State Representative Katie True at the Real Alternatives 14th Annual Service Providers Conference Luncheon, April 2, 2009


  • The Pennsylvania Program reaches milestone of 175,000 women served since inception of the program.
  • Texas Pregnancy Care Network reports that the Texas Alternative to Abortion Services Program served over 40,000 women since the program’s inception in 2006.

“What you do…in Real Alternatives… to support the life of the unborn is truly a special call to service. You have a call to use your mind, your heart, your gifts and your talents in support of life and love.”

Remarks of Sr. Romaine Niemeyer, SCC, President & CEO Holy Spirit Health Systems at Real Alternatives 15th Annual Service Providers Conference Luncheon, March 25, 2010


  • The Pennsylvania Program reaches milestone of 189,431 women served since inception of the program.

“This is an organization, and we know about all the good work you do for the mothers and children, but this is an organization that is fiscally responsible . . This organization is an example of what our society needs.”

Remarks of Hon. Gary D. Alexander, Secretary for the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare at Real Alternatives 16th Annual Service Providers Conference Luncheon, on March 31, 2011


  • The Pennsylvania Program reached two very important milestones in 2012: over 200,000 women have been served since the inception of the program at over 1 million visits!
  • Real Alternatives, for the THIRD time, was awarded the Pennsylvania Association of Non-Profit Organizations’ (PANO) Seal of Excellence which recognizes its exemplary management and commitment to uphold the highest standards of ethics and accountability in the non profit sector.
  • Texas Pregnancy Care Network, using the Real Alternatives system, once again earned re-certification by the Seal of Excellence Institute for a SECOND time after an extensive and thorough review of its business practices and operations.


  • Governor Rick Snyder directed the Michigan Department of Community Health to hire Real Alternatives to start and operate  a $700,000 pilot pregnancy and parenting support services program for the southern half of the state modeled after the successful Pennsylvania Program.

“Another important reason for the decline in abortion is because of you-the men and women who have dedicated themselves to providing alternatives, to providing quality care throughout PA.”

Remarks of Lourdes Padilla, Deputy Secretary for the PA Department of Public Welfare’s Office of Income Maintenance at the Real Alternatives  Annual Service Providers Conference Luncheon, on March 21, 2013


  • Governor Mike Pence directed the Indiana State Department of Health to hire Real Alternatives to start and operate  a $1,000,000 pilot pregnancy and parenting support services program for the northern half of the state modeled after the successful Pennsylvania Program.

“We fund Real Alternatives because it’s the right thing to do!  We know that the work that you all do is critical to making Pennsylvania a better place.  We know that what you do every day is making a tremendous difference in the lives of our children and families.”

Remarks of Beverly Mackereth, Secretary for the PA Department of Public Welfare’s at the Real Alternatives  Annual Service Providers Conference Luncheon
on March 27, 2014.


  • The Pennsylvania Program reached two very important milestones in 2015: OVER 249,500 women have been served since the inception of the program at over 1.3 million visits!
  • The Michigan Program is renewed, expanded statewide, and increased to $800,000 a year.
  • The Indiana Program is renewed, expanded statewide, and increased to $2 million a year.

“Hopefully, one day, there will be programs like Real Alternatives helping women and their children in all fifty states. . . . There are many important lines in the state budget. But there are not many lines that you can point to and say that every dollar we put into the program is saving lives.  Real Alternatives and the work you do is important, and we are saving lives.”

Remarks of Senator Joseph Scarnati, President Pro Tempore of the Pennsylvania Senate at the Real Alternatives  Annual Service Providers Conference Luncheon on March 23, 2015.


  • Since the start of the the Pennsylvania Program in 1995, over 264,900 women have been served since the inception of the program at over 1.3 million visits!
  • Since the start of the Michigan Program in 2013 Michigan providers have served over 3,200 women at over 11,300 visits!
  • Since the start of the Indiana Program in 2014 Indiana providers have served over 19,700 women at over 46,600 visits!

“What a blessing you are to those whose lives you literally save – whose families you help build and nurture when there is so much pressure to do otherwise.”

Remarks of Award Winning Journalist Katherine Lopez at the Annual Service Providers Conference Luncheon on April 7, 2016



  • Since the start of the Pennsylvania Program in 1995, over 279,600 women have been served since the inception of the program at over 1.4 million visits!
  • Since the start of the Michigan Program in 2013 Michigan providers have served over 5,100 women at over 19,700 visits!
  • The Indiana Program budget was increased to $2.25 million per year. Since the start of the Program in 2014 Indiana providers have served over 32,400 women at over 82,400 visits!

 “I saw the accountability that is built into Real Alternatives. You are trained to do what you do. You are held accountable for what you do. You are held to a very, very high standard.”

Remarks of Mike Fichter, Executive Director of Indiana Right to Life at the Annual Service Providers Conference Luncheon on March 23, 2017


  • Vice President Mike Pence recognized the outstanding work of Real Alternatives when we reached a new milestone of serving over 300,000 women at over 1.5 million visits since the Pennsylvania Program began!
  • Since the start of the Michigan Program in 2013 Michigan providers have served over 6,700 women at over 26,800 visits!
  • Since the start of the Program in 2014 Indiana providers have served over 47,000 women at over 121,000 visits!

 “Do not discount the role that each of you play in the success and growth of Real Alternatives around the country… It is because of each of you that a culture of life is growing in our country. It is in the quiet counsel that you offer, the kind word, the word of encouragement, the hug, that women are choosing life over death.  You are equipping and empowering women to be bold, to be brave, to be strong, to choose a different life for themselves and for their children.”

Remarks of Lindsey Craig, Former Director of Public Health & Family Policy for former Governor Pence
at the Annual Service Providers Conference Luncheon on June 28, 2018


  • Total served to 12/31/2019 by Real Alternative’s Pregnancy and Parenting Support Services Program©: Over 390,800 women at over 1,855,000 visits!
  • The Pennsylvania Program service providers have served over 317,600 women at over 1,651,000 visits since the program began in 1995.
  • Since the start of the Michigan Program in 2013 Michigan providers have served over 8,700 women at over 33,900 visits.
  • Since the start of the Indiana Program in 2014 Indiana providers have served over 64,500 women at over 169,900 visits.

“Every single human being is beautiful. Everybody is capable and will contribute to this world.  And everybody wants to feel the love of their family, friends and another human being. You are not only providing that love, protection and care during the pregnancy, but you are doing it after the pregnancy.”

Remarks of The Honorable Mike Turzai, Speaker of the PA House of Representatives at the Annual Service Providers Conference Luncheon on March 28, 2019


  • Total served to 12/31/2020 by Real Alternative’s Pregnancy and Parenting Support Services Program©: Over 408,700 women at over 1,918,000 visits!
  • The Pennsylvania Program service providers have served over 325,000 women at over 1,690,500 visits since the program began in 1995.
  • Since the start of the Indiana Program in 2014 Indiana providers have served over 74,600 women at over 193,700 visits.

“Congratulations to … all those celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Pennsylvania Pregnancy and Parenting Support Services Program. … HHS’ agreement in the 1990’s that your program meets the purposes of TANF has certainly unleashed a solution to women in one of the most difficult situations – being alone in an unexpected pregnancy. … Real Alternatives drive and passion to make this program a national vision – a solution for the whole country – is very commendable and its success impressive! … On behalf of Health and Human Services, your national partner, congratulations on your success and vision and keep going!”

Remarks of Lynn Johnson, Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Family at the Virtual Service Providers Conference Luncheon in July, 2020





  • Total served to 12/31/2021 by Real Alternative’s Pregnancy and Parenting Support Services Program©: Over 433,600 women at over 2,020,000 visits!
  • The Pennsylvania Program service providers have served over 333,700 women at over 1,759,000 visits since the program began in 1995.
  • Since the start of the Indiana Program in 2014 Indiana providers have served over 87,200 women at over 223,600 visits.

“Your helping hands remind those women what love really means.” 
Judy Ward, Senator, PA State Senate, June 2021




“What you folks are doing is all but miraculous at this point. We are very grateful and so are the families.”
Kerry Benninghoff, Majority Leader PA State House of Representatives, June 2021 





  • Total served to 12/31/2022 by Real Alternative’s Pregnancy and Parenting Support Services Program©: Over 434,402 women at over 2,037,589 visits!
  • The Pennsylvania Program service providers have served over 338,535 women at over 1,792,683 visits since the program began in 1995.
  • Since the start of the Indiana Program in 2014 Indiana providers have served over 95,867 women at over 244,906 visits.

“The pro-life movement, especially as it is embodied by this organization [Real Alternatives], should be renamed the Empowerment Movement because there is nothing more empowering than a woman to make a decision to overcome fear and judgment and embrace life.”
Rachel Campos-Duffy, Co-host Fox and Friends Weekend, June 2022 




  • Total served to 06/30/2023 by Real Alternative’s Pregnancy and Parenting Support Services Program©: Over 453,826 women at over 2,131,870 visits!
  • The Pennsylvania Program service providers have served over 349,173 women at over 1,862,663 visits since the program began in 1995.
  • Since the start of the Indiana Program in 2014 Indiana providers have served over 104,653 women at over 269,207 visits.

“You are saving lives and helping mothers through probably the most difficult, challenging and hardest point in their lives. You are doing the right thing for the right reasons at exactly the right time.”

Pennsylvania State Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill, June 2023



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